Club Projects

Enhancing Your Assets, a series of five presentations provided for Killingsworth Home, a  unique community residence for women who are emerging from crisis situations in downtown Columbia, as well as financial support for their programs.

Young Women in Public Affairs Scholarship
The Young Women in Public Affairs Award honors young women of age 16 to 19, who demonstrate a commitment to leadership in public policy, government and volunteer organizations. Scholarships are used for college tuition.

The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship
Established in 1998 from a generous bequest by Jane M. Klausman, a member of the Zonta Club of Syracuse, New York USA, and the 1990-1995 Zonta International Parliamentarian, the Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship is awarded annually to women pursuing undergraduate or master’s degrees in business management.

More information on these scholarships…

Human Trafficking/Advocacy
The Zonta Club of Columbia works in partnership with other advocacy organizations, law enforcement and victims’ rights groups to push for legislation to address the problems of human trafficking. Club members serve on various task forces, present testimony to local and state government committees and provide services (as requested) for victims of human trafficking.

Club Facts

Club #513
Chartered on September 10, 1963

Zonta Club of Columbia

P. O. Box 11164
Columbia, SC 29211-1164

For more information about club meetings


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