The Zonta Club of Columbia is pleased to announce that Ms. Otiana Thompson is the winner of their prestigious Young Women in Public Affairs Award. The club was impressed with her achievements in volunteering and experience in community service. She has valuable leadership skills including serving as student body President of Ridge View High School. She has served as a spokesperson for her school on multiple occasions and has excelled in her academics as a member of the Ridge View High School Scholars Academy. She will be attending Claflin University on a full scholarship with future career plans to become a lawyer. Otiana, her older sister, and her mother joined the Zonta Club at their June monthly luncheon at the Palmetto Club to celebrate her award.
The Young Women in Public Affairs Award program operates at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels. Zonta clubs provide awards for club recipients, and district/region and international awards are funded by the Zonta International Foundation. District recipients receive US$1,500, and 10 international recipients are selected from the district/region recipients to receive awards of US$4,000 each. Applications are accepted in the spring of the year.